Friday, March 30

Jean Skirt

There are going to be a lot of memorable outfits in my life as a little girl. I wore my first jean skirt today and I loved playing with the fringe on the bottom. I felt bare without anything on my legs but it was quite freeing at the same time. Thank you Auntie Michelle for my most favorite new skirt!

Mommy talked with daddy last night. He's working so hard and is doing just fine. His company will be quite busy in the month of April. He was able to check my blog but his upcoming access will be a bit uncertain. I'll keep writing so when he has the chance to check he can get caught up on our daily lives here in Cali. We love you daddy!

1 comment:

auntie shell said...

Hey Katie,
I just want to say what a very cute outfit you have on! I have just sent you a fw more things, I just know you'll Love. I hope to see more pictures of ya! I also love your bumbo seat. Well tell mommy I said hello tooooo!