Wednesday, March 28

Minus One

Mommy has had some requests to include her in one of my photos. This is my family, minus my most special daddy. We love to cuddle! I have my 'I love daddy' t-shirt on but you can't really see it. Mommy did her best to take a picture of everyone just by holding her arm out. We're lucky we all got in the frame.

I've just started petting Max when he's close enough to me and I watch him run around the house. I keep an eye out for him no matter what room I'm in. He loves his 'sister' so much. He lets mommy know when I'm whining, as though she can't hear me, and he checks in on me no matter where I happen to be.

1 comment:

RMs at the Village said...

Thanks for the photo of your momma. You do have a good looking family "minus one."

Love, Auntie