Tuesday, April 3

Teether Woes

I don't think I'm teething yet but I do love to put everything in my mouth. I especially love to put my hands in my mouth and spread the saliva all over my face. You may notice that my cheeks are especially shiny in this picture.

Mommy got me this teether so my fingers wouldn't turn to raisins. When I try to enjoy my new toy when I'm on my back, I usually end up with it on my face. Then I'm not quite sure how to get it off so I just lay there really still hoping it will find it's way off. Needless to say, mommy thinks this is one of the funniest things she's seen and had to make me lay in my misery while she grabbed the camera. I'm glad that I can keep her laughing.

1 comment:

Gram and Pop said...

The indignities a young lady must face to entertain her Mommie. When it becomes to much to endure, call Pop and he will come get you.