Monday, April 2

Nothing But Love

I have learned that as long as you are rubbing Max he will be by your side. I think he also likes me to spend time in my chair because there's someone closer to his level. Plus, he just loves to be close to his sister no matter where we are. I'm so lucky to have him.

Mommy and I had fun over at Miss Maria's tonight for her 'Chili Night'. I loved watching the other kids and wished I could crawl my way over to the action. We got home after my bedtime so I didn't get tucked in until 8:30 and mommy's hoping that I don't wake up a grouch tomorrow. I told her that the fun we had was worth that risk!


Julie said...


Gram and Pop said...

Max is so lucky to have you also, Katie. He gets kind of lonely when your Daddy is gone so he is cherishing your company. I know you had fun at Maria's Chili Night, but I bet you didn't get anything except formula. One of these days you can look forward to all the good (and healthy) stuff.
I know you don't like Tummy time, but it is just one of the many things you will have to learn to tolerate. Mommies and Daddies dream up all sorts of things for little ones to do that aren't always that much fun, but it is just part of growing up. Love Pop and Gram

Aunt Linda said...

This one could win a photo contest!