Sunday, June 26

Yosemite National Park

The next stop on our trip was Yosemite National Park. Just when you think you've seen something truly amazing you turn the corner to see something more spectacular. Again, the pictures don't do the beauty any justice!! There has been some flooding in the valley this year due to high snowfall. The upside was the waterfalls were flowing at amazing speeds and depths. We actually hiked up to the middle of one where there was a bridge. We walked over the falls and got wet from all of the mist coming up from underneath.

As luck would have it, we saw our second bear this day. We saw it just as a Junior Park Ranger group did. Because I saw the bear and was part of that adventure I became an official Yosemite Junior Ranger, took an oath on the spot and got my badge. It was all very exciting. The Ranger said as long as she'd taken these groups on the nature tour it was the first time she'd actually seen a bear on the tour. As lucky as mommy said I was to actually see two bears on our trip, I was equally as excited to carry around a fuzzy caterpillar I had found. I'm easy to please!

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