Thursday, August 19

Let's Go Boys!

There is a lot of excitement going on here in Oxnard these days because The Cowboys are back for their preseason football practice. They come for two weeks in August. The first day they were here they flew into Point Mugu and did a special autograph event for military members on base. I was able to meet some of the players which was tons of fun.

Yesterday daddy went to practice for a while, the practices are only about a mile from our house. He won a VIP pass for today's practice so mommy and I met him there. We watched from the end zone, got some additional autographs but the most exciting part of the day was meeting Jerry Jones. It made daddy's day which made us all smile.


Auntie Shell said...

Katie im writing this again somehow I think my message got lost. Did you have a good time with your daddy getting Autographs? You look so cute but you should be wearing a Tennessee Titans Jersey lol

Gram and Pop said...

Your Daddy's football team can beat most football teams, except the Redskins!!

DAD said...

Katie...your dad looks in his glory. Cowboys WILL get a win this week against the "lucky" Bears.

Uncle Jim (Lions fan)