Monday, February 9

Grammy and Grandpa

Although we have had unusually rainy weather throughout their entire trip, we have had a great time playing with grammy and grandpa. We went to the Ronald Reagan Library on his birthday and were able to have a piece of his birthday cake. They also had a ceremony at the memorial site. We met up with cousin Michael and his wife Amy for dinner. They are expecting a baby this spring so I am excited to meet my new playmate. They only live an hour away and we hope to be seeing them more often! Yesterday we went to Ojai and enjoyed some delicious pizza, browsed some galleries and played at an extremely large playground. I also came across a couple of puppies that were in need of a rub, I was glad to do my part.

1 comment:

Steve Boven said...

Major and Mrs. Boven

You have a beautiful little daughter. Major, I want to thank you for your service to our country. May God be with you!

I am assuming that your family is from Kalamazoo. We had a "Worldwide Boven Reunion" in 1997 at the Larry Boven Flower Farm in Kalamazoo. I am originally from MIssaukee County. The southern half of the county is mostly Dutch. I retireed from the Michigan State Police in the 80's, and have been in Wilmore, Kentucky since 1990. I graduated from Asbury Theological seminary, but stayed on as chief.

Stephen R. Boven, Chief of Police
Wilmore Police Department
335 E. Main Street, Wilmore, Kentucky 40390
859-858-8955, 859-858-3833 (Fax)
Cell 859-948-0243