Sunday, June 17

Happy Father's Day and 7 Months Old

What a special day. In church the pastor read what some kids said to the statement, 'I have the greatest dad in the world because he...'. This made me (and mommy) think. The way I would finish... he is caring, sweet, loving, a provider, honorable, strong, a good friend, trustworthy, selfless, gentle, handsome, honest and he loves mommy, me, Max and the rest of his family with all of his heart. Mommy says, not surprisingly, these are things she appreciates in daddy because these were the things she has always seen in Grandpa Boven. Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there!

I also am 7 months old today. I have now mastered rolling over. As you may know, this has been a long time coming and much anticipated by my doctors. I really only roll in one direction so mommy has to make sure there aren't any obstructions I might hit. The best part is when I'm placed on my tummy, which I am not fond of, I can quickly flip myself over.

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