Wednesday, December 30

More Christmas

Although these are not necessarily in order, you can see what fun I was having in each. Before we left Colorado I had two rounds on the carousel at the mall. The first on a purple horse and the second on the pink one I chose.

Yesterday, we met up with great Aunt JoAnn and Uncle Jim who were in town visiting cousin Michael, his wife Amy and cousin Jimmy. We had fun with them at the Thousand Oaks mall. I talked grandpa into a cup of ice cream after lunch. If you look closely you can see the chocolate on the tip of my nose.

Mommy went to get some errands done today so grandma and I made a playhouse. Half my toys ended up in there in addition to half the canned foods in the pantry. I thought it would be fun to run a grocery store out of my newly acquired space.

Saturday, December 26

Merry Christmas

Wishing you the Merriest Christmas! Say a prayer for our troops who are so far from home during this season and a special mention for daddy to return safely and quickly to us in the new year.

Thursday, December 24

Winter Wonderland

We had an uneventful flight to Colorado except for the many trips to the potty at 35,000 feet and my constant wiggling around. I decided I didn't want much to do with all the toys mommy brought but had more fun looking over the seat at the girl behind me, opening and closing the window covering and pulling the tray table up and down. Two hours of fun for mommy!

Just as we were driving into Colorado Springs it started to snow and didn't stop until morning. I was very excited to make snow angels and throw snowballs at Piet, Grandma and Grandpa's defenseless puppy. We tried to sled down the hill in the front yard but didn't get much traction.

Later in the day we went to a Simpich Marionette Christmas show in Old Colorado City. The show was an hour and a half and I lasted for about 20 minutes. Mommy and I excused ourselves and headed to a coffee shop and local gallery to wait until the show was over. That's where I got my new favorite friend, the lamb.

I'm excited to see what today brings. This morning started out great with some time on Grandpa's lap!

Sunday, December 20

Sweet Pink Dress

Gram gave me this pretty pink dress a while back and it is just now the perfect fit. I wore it to church today. You'd think I was ready for Easter instead of Christmas, the weather here was beautiful and warm today.

Saturday, December 19

Advent Calendar

I love to visit the advent calendar every morning and see what treats await me. There have been some fun surprises but I especially enjoy an excuse to have a chocolate treat early in the morning. This morning that was in the shape of a snowman. I still need a daily reminder that we're counting down to baby Jesus' birthday and not my own but I'm trying to get the concept.

Friday, December 4

Tuesday, December 1

Mommy Max

Max was taking care of his baby and I thought he'd enjoy a glittery hat and a string of purple beads. He doesn't look very happy but I'm convinced he was having the time of his life. I love that good boy!